Thursday, January 31, 2013


I understand you more in silence,
because in silence, I can listen to more things, in nothingness, in the absurdity of existence.

I understand you more in silence,
because words have never been able to contain our truth, the blunt, bittersweet, fearsome truth,
that fills the void between us.

I understand you more in silence,
because in silence we stop protecting each other. Words hurt, and silence can hurt even more,
but we naively believe that it won't.

I understand you more in silence,
because in silence we don't have to impress, we don't have to put each other with honesty test,
I can always let you be, I can put my mind to rest.

I understand you more in silence,
because it's closer to loneliness, and it reminds me that even you're here,
we're too close to hurt, but I'll do it anyway, because you deserve every drop of my sanity.

1 comment:

  1. shoott baru baris pertama udah suka... my ideal kind of dream. Sayangnya mungkin ngga smua orang berpikir begini kali ya, kak? In my case, I love Japan-ism that often show feelings through silence and other simple things. Haha...
